We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our donation platform. If you would like to make a donation or have any questions, please reach out to us at friends@rcmphc.com. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our donation platform. If you would like to make a donation or have any questions, please reach out to us at friends@rcmphc.com. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Over the past quarter of a century, the Friends of the Mounted Police Heritage Centre have raised and donated in excess of $2,000,000 for operations, artifact procurement, restoration and management, as well as capital to help build the RCMP HERITAGE CENTRE. That two million dollars, primarily made up of individual donations and membership dues, has gone a long way in leveraging corporate support for major capital projects and general operations for the Centre. The Centre would not exist if it wasn’t for the individuals that saw value in helping us reach our goals to first build a Centre at the Home of the RCMP, and to continue to help us support its operations.
The RCMP Heritage Centre welcomes visitors from around the globe to its superb flagship facility, on the grounds of RCMP Academy “Depot” Division, where the Tradition began and continues to live. It’s the Force’s Alma Mater, protecting and preserving the organization’s rich culture and history and sharing not only RCMP, but Canadian stories with the world.
All donation options can also be made with a Cheque by downloading this PDF and mailing them both to this address:
Friends of the Mounted Police Heritage Centre
5907 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, SK S4T 0P4
Help in the sharing. Be part of the legacy. Become a member. Make a donation.
There’s a common misconception that you have to be a retired RCMP veteran to be a “Friend”. Though our roots were born from the Regina RCMP Veterans Association, we’re happy to say that we don’t discriminate. Our membership consists of current active RCMP members, RCMP civilian staff, members from other police and para-military units, spouses and family of current, fallen, retired and deceased RCMP members, and others with no direct tie for the Force.
Despite our diversity, we all have a common love and ambition to see RCMP stories shared, and shared well. As of January 1, 2024 we were 1,300 strong and growing with members from every Canadian province, in almost every U.S. state, as well as in England, Scotland, Germany, Spain, Australia, Ireland and Austria.
One of the easiest and quickest ways to support us without making too big of a commitment out of the gate, is to become a member of the Friends. It costs $50 dollars a year and acts as a gateway to all kinds of great information about our organization and the good work that we’re supporting at the RCMP Heritage Centre.
We think it’s extremely important to have set policies and practices in place to help people grieve or celebrate in the manner that they feel best represents their friends or family members. We’re happy to take donations in memory or celebration of individuals, couples or groups. We do make great effort to inform the families or individuals on whose behalf donations are being made. The more information that you provide on the donation form with respects to who we can inform of your gift, the easier our jobs. If you wish to remain anonymous, there’s an option for that too.
There are a number of ways that you can make a donation in someone’s memory:
Those of us who served with the RCMP remember our time at “Depot” fondly. Many of us have even made a point of organizing and attending troop reunions during and after our service with the RCMP. The Friends have dedicated a whole portion of our online and digital donor walls to Troop Funds. This is a great way to donate in memory of your time in training with the wonderful men and women that helped get you to your first detachment.
It only takes one member to start a Troop Fund. With that initial donation, your troop information will be posted online and on-site at the Heritage Centre. We’ll provide you with links so that you can easily show your fellow troop mates where to go if they wish to add to the “pot”.
Your Troop will be immortalized on our donor page and you’ll all have the satisfaction of having, as a troop, helped us reach our mandate of ensuring RCMP stories get shared, and shared well.
It’s simple. There are a number of ways that you can make a one-time donation.
a) You can pay online with your credit card using our secure payment processing software by CLICKING HERE.
b) You can Download a Donation Form and mail or fax your donation to:
Friends of the Mounted Police Heritage Centre
5907 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, SK S4T 0P4
Fax: 306-522-7374
c) You can phone (306) 719-3015 during regular business hours (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm CST) and we would be happy to help you.
The Friends of the Mounted Police CRA Charitable Number is 119383073RR0001.
We will forward a tax receipt shortly after we receive your donation.
Making a monthly donation in support of the Friends is the best way to donate and show your support all year round!
When you pledge to a monthly donation you are donating in the most cost-efficient manner possible since we do not have to pay for printing or postage to ask you for your donation. By giving on a monthly basis, you also allow us the wonderful peace of mind of being able to report educated projections on how much we’ll be able to support the Centre each quarter. Being able to plan is a huge part of sharing RCMP stories well.
As with one-time donations, there are a number of ways that you can make your monthly donation pledge:
The decision to include the Friends of the Mounted Police Heritage Centre in your will shows a sincere commitment and desire to see RCMP stories shared, and shared well. Estate gifts, commonly called “planned gifts” include bequests, securities, charitable trusts, life insurance, retirement accounts and more.
There are a number of ways that you can make a one-time donation.
You can pay online with your credit card using our secure payment processing software by CLICKING HERE.
If you have already included the Friends in your will, please contact us at friends@rcmphc.com and we will ensure that our president is in touch to properly recognize your gift and inform you of the work we’re doing.